Why You Should Wear Amethyst Jewelry
Posted by Deven Davis on

Why You Should Wear Amethyst Jewelry
Amethyst is a beautiful stone that pairs well with any wardrobe. Click here to learn why you should wear amethyst jewelry to harness positive energies.
Keyword(s): amethyst jewelry
Imagine if wearing your favorite amethyst jewelry could reverse the effects of being intoxicated?
Sounds silly, right?
But, if you lived back in ancient times, then the simple act of wearing an amethyst pendant or ring was thought to do the trick. People might have even considered you to be a wise sage for doing this.
The Greeks believed the amethyst healing power to be a mighty sword, able to slay the dragon of wine consumption. In fact, the origin of the meaning of amethyst stems from the Greek word "amethystos" which means "not intoxicating".
But it wasn't just the Greeks who tapped into the enchanting power of this majestic semi-precious stone. In fact, many cultures and religions around the world have viewed amethysts as one of the most sacred stones in all history.
Amethysts in World Culture and History
While the Greeks believed in the healing qualities of amethysts, they weren't the only European country to do so. Many cultures throughout the world were drawn to the magic of this mesmerizing, mystical gem.
Whether it was a connection with spirituality, wine consumption, or royal lineage, amethysts have held their own in folklore, religion, and history.
Rome: The Romans also believed they would be protected from drunkenness if they consumed wine in a cup festooned with amethysts. The elegant drinking vessels represented the mystical power of the amethyst.
Britain: Power, wealth, and royalty were often associated with the color purple. In fact, the British adorned the crowns of royal family members with radiant amethyst jewelry.
Russia: The Russians also decorated the jewelry and crowns of their royalty with a plenty of amethyst jewelry. Catherine the Great adored the purple stone and required the stone be used in all of her personal articles.
Egypt: The Egyptians made amethyst jewelry and amulets based on gemstone materials and meanings. Researchers discovered amulets were worn for both superstition and protection in the afterlife.
Catholicism: Bishops wore amethyst jewelry to protect them from the unholy effects of being drunk. The holy men often wore rings made of amethyst to protect them on a daily basis.
Christianity: The spiritual connotation of the semi-precious stone is often compared with Christ. The deep purple color is believed to symbolize Christ's agony in the crucifixion.
Judaism: the Hebrew word for amethyst, "ahlamah", translates to "dream stone". Jews believed the gem caused powerful dreams. Amethyst also symbolized one of the 12 Tribes of Israel and adorned the breastplate of the high priest, Aaron.
Buddhism: Tibetan Buddhists often linked the spiritual quality of amethysts with Buddha. Amethyst beads are used in meditation practices.
Where Amethyst Comes From
If you're wondering where most of the amethyst jewelry comes from, it's probably closer than you realized. Spanning the four corners of the globe, amethyst is found deposited deep in rock cavities and mined in caves throughout the world.
Brazil is the top producing country of amethyst, with Uruguay a close second. Amethyst became more affordable - and accessible - after its massive 19th-century discovery in Brazil.
South American amethysts are typically larger than other varieties of the semi-precious stone. Some are so large, in fact, that you could stand inside of one of the geodes.
These geodes are often found in mines and in volcanic deposits.
Russia is a premiere area mined for amethysts. The exquisite quality of Russian amethysts is still considered one of the best. Russian royalty sought the stone because of its pristine look and value.
Although Africa produces smaller stones, they are a deeper, more intense purple color. Zambia has a reputation for harvesting the highest quality stones in the world. They are among the most coveted of amethyst colors.
Similar to Zambia, Australia also produces richly-saturated stones. By contrast, Mexico has much paler colored stones.
The United States has several prized mining locales in Arizona and South Carolina. Tourists frequently visit the mines and pay a fee to "mine" for amethysts.
When it comes to acquiring one of these lovely gems, thankfully its accessibility makes it that much more appealing.
The Appeal of Amethyst
Although February's birthstone is an exquisite form of purple quartz, its modern-day value doesn't compare to its previous worth. In ancient times, amethyst was equal in value to precious emeralds and rubies.
Despite its affordability, the quality of durability is something to behold. In terms of hardness, compared to a diamond, which is a 10 on the Mohs Hardness Scale, amethysts register at a 7.
The color variety is the result of the combination of iron and manganese. Iron affects the stone's color intensity and manganese is the source of the color purple.
The Healing Benefits of Amethysts
- Healing powers. Amethysts help keep negative energy away. They are also helpful for stress relief and anxiety disorders.
- Protection. Used by many cultures as a form of protection from bad spirits or dangerous situations.
- Spirituality. Many who practice healing with crystals say the amethyst is sensitive enough to tap into the spiritual energy of the afterlife.
- Mysticism. Some say this semi-precious stone helps elevate one's work with intuition.
- Purity. Cleanse your environment of toxic energy by placing an amethyst stone in the sun on your windowsill. For the full energy cleaning effect, do this daily.
- Peace. Meditations with an amethyst stone summon the highest levels of self-awareness and balance.
- Dreams. If you need to take control of your dreams or manifest a successful sleep schedule, sleeping with an amethyst under your pillow helps.
Why Should You Wear Amethyst Jewelry?
If the sheer beauty of this radiant stone isn't enough to make you want a piece (or two) of amethyst jewelry, then the three facts below should:
- Affordable. There is something beautiful for everyone's budget.
- Unique. Although amethyst is easy to recognize, color selection is second to none. From pale lavender to a midnight plum, the variety of colors is stunning.
- Easy to find. Thanks to Brazilian abundance, beautiful amethyst can be easily purchased throughout the world.
Care of Amethyst
If you've already invested in a gorgeous piece of amethyst jewelry, you'll want it to last a lifetime. But don't worry because caring for amethyst is a relatively easy process.
The tried and true combination of lukewarm water and soap are the best options. Cleansing with an ultrasonic solution is also a safe option. Heat, acidity, and extreme temperatures are off limits and can damage amethysts.
Whether you're caring for gold or silver, cleaning will be a breeze. Over time, proper care and maintenance will provide a lifetime of wear.
Ready to purchase your own piece of amethyst jewelry? Make sure to visit our store today for the most beautiful and affordable selection of amethysts in the world. SHOP NOW.