Jewelry 101: What to Wear on the First Day of Work
Posted by Deven Davis on

Jewelry 101: What to Wear on the First Day of Work
Jewelry can say a lot about a person, which is why you need to make sure you keep reading this guide to learn what to wear on the first day of work.
Keyword(s): what to wear on the first day of work
First impressions often have a lasting effect. Even if you aren't a self-proclaimed fashionista, how you present yourself on the first day of work matters.
If you already picked out your outfit for the first day of work, make sure you complete the look with just the right pieces of jewelry.
Are you wondering what to wear on the first day of work?
Here's what to consider when choosing your jewelry.
What to Wear on the First Day of Work: Jewelry Edition
Your first day of work outfit feels like the first day of school all over again, right? Trying on different combinations of skirts, blouses, suits, statement necklaces;while exciting, it is also frustrating and overwhelming.
Can we all just have personal stylists already?
Until then, we're here to assist you in picking out the perfect outfit and the jewelry to match.
What's the Vibe at Work?
The first step on your journey to figure out what to wear your first day of work is to figure out what type of aesthetic the new workplace will have!
When you interview, make sure to observe not only the work environment, but how people act, dress, and behave.
While you always want to go into your new job with a professional attitude, and outfit to match, you do want to feel like a fish out of water.
What we mean is- if everyone is wearing jeans and sweaters at work, you don't want to show up the first day wearing a black pantsuit. Find a middle ground and find your sweet spot. Jewelry is a great tool to turn simple-boring to simple-elegant.
Achieve the Perfect Balance
The key to wearing jewelry in the workplace is to be professional, while also letting a bit of your personality shine through.
So what do we mean by balance? Don't wear heavy, excessive jewelry. There is no hard and fast rule here, but the idea is that you don't overload yourself with jewelry, specifically in one area.
You don't want to wear giant chandelier earrings with layered necklaces. That's a lot going on near your face! If you feel the desire to wear dangly earrings, skip out on the necklace and go with a simple updo.
Another thing to consider would be balancing the jewelry with the outfit. If your outfit is colorful, choose more modest jewelry.
Dark solid outfit? Choose something brighter to lighten the look.
Pop of Color
Again, its all about achieving the balance! Don't overdo it with the color.
You want to stand out, but not in a bad way. Certainly, you want to be remembered for the work you contribute and not the poor fashion choices you made your first day!
Just like body language and outfits, color can communicate unspoken messages to your new peers.
Red and blue assert confidence. Fake it 'til you make it!
Simplicity is Key
Similar to balance, simplicity is essential to making a good first impression on your first day of work.
We've talked about how color can translate emotions and confidence. Several different colors will be confusing to the outfit and also your message.
As far as the pieces of jewelry are concerned, choose some on the simple side, as well.
Earrings are the best option if you feel the need to add some wild to your outfit. One of our favorite ways to add a pop color to an outfit is through colorful earrings!
Ring, Ring
Hello? Anyone there? It's us letting you know the deal with wearing rings to work!
Feel more than free to wear your wedding ring and other pieces like a Claddaugh ring or a family heirloom.
Don't wear more than 3 rings, make sure they are appropriate! Be practical if you have a position where you will be typing a lot.
Pieces to Avoid
We can give you all the bits of "first day of work" advice, but your own personality has to shine through in your clothing and jewelry choices.
On the other hand, there are a few things you should avoid for the sake of professionalism and functionality.
Chunky Bracelets
You don't want to be jingle jangling all over the office on your first day of work, do you?
This doesn't mean you can't, or shouldn't, wear simpler jewelry on your wrists. An elegant bracelet can be the metaphorical icing on the cake. If you do decide to go the bracelet route, keep it basic and business professional (or go with a watch).
Save the bangles for a different time.
Noisy Pieces
Do you want people to hear you by the sound of your jewelry jingling as you're walking about the office?
Give yourself a jewelry noise test before the first day of work. Walk around, shake your arms, bend down to pick something off the floor. If you're making noise, consider different (quieter) pieces.
Elaborate Earrings
Earrings are a good way to get wild with jewelry at work, but there is a line for a professional workplace.
While you can wear something colorful and dangly, it is best to stay away from funky earrings like Christmas trees or cats.
You can wear all of your interesting earrings when you're at home! They don't have a solid place in the work environment.
Layering Necklaces
Any long necklace may get in the way, but layering multiple necklaces can be problematic for functionality and appearance.
They will likely get in the way when you're leaning down or doing work. If there is a set of necklaces you MUST wear your first day of work, wear it around for a day and see if it's a problem before trying again.
Choosing the Perfect Accessories for Work
So, we here at Roma Designer Jewelry shared our secrets with you, but there is still a lot of information you can find on our website.
When choosing what to wear on the first day of work, pick 3 items or less and make sure they are not noisy or extravagant.
Check out a set of colored earrings, a dainty bracelet, and this short, elegant necklace on our website as an example of what to look for when you're accessorizing for work.